The basis of the plan is to take baby steps to get out of debt and build financial security. The steps are simple and build on each other. The idea is that you can make lots of small changes that build into larger results. It's a good basic plan to make any life changes, not just financial!
I've decided to take these baby steps and apply them to weight loss. My first baby step I'm committing to is to get at least 10,000 steps in at least 4 days a week. I have a very sedentary job, so it's a step in the right direction.
Since my job is sedentary, I needed to figure out how to get those steps in. I set a reminder on my outlook calendar to go off every hour to remind myself to get up and move. I then walk the halls for 5 minutes...back and forth. I'm pretty sure I'm going to wear a path in the carpet! :) While 5 minutes doesn't sound like a lot, when I do it every hour, that's 7 times a day and equals 35 minutes! I've also added walking half an hour on my lunch break if the weather permits. That's over an hour of walking at least 5 days a week AND it really makes the day much more enjoyable. I'm very excited about this baby step and thinking about what I can do for my next baby step!
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