I'm beginning to get out of breath more easily. Walking stairs winds me pretty badly, but I was able to run for 30 minutes consistently on Sunday. I was pretty proud of that, despite my pace being slower. I don't get why I can run, but 2 flights of stairs winds me.
Fatigue has set in. On Monday, I was too tired to exercise. I couldn't do anything, but go to bed. And on Tuesday, I had a super busy day, and lead my daughter's Girl Scout meeting until 8pm. I was so exhausted, but I had already taken a rest day on Monday. So, after putting both kids to bed, I threw on my workout clothes and went to walk on the treadmill. I've made a commitment to not let one rest day turn into two, and so far, so good.
On Monday I was 7 weeks + 3 days along and the nausea began already. I've felt a queasy feeling almost all day, every day since then. :(
On a brighter note, I'm maintaining my weight so far!
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