Wednesday, March 5, 2014


I have been so good with my exercise and food, yet tonight (and last night) when I stepped on the scale, I was up 3 lbs than I normally am at night!  I'm pretty sure it's water weight and a slowed metabolism from pregnancy. This morning when I weighed, I was back down to normal, but it's still scary. 

I think I need to up my water intake to prevent this water retention. I'm really bad about getting enough water each day. Tomorrow, I'm going to make it a point to drink a glass every hour and see if that makes a difference. 

Tonight I worked out with my trainer. I could tell he did his research on training a pregnant woman. I'm his first pregnant client, so it's good experience for him, and I was happy to see he did his due diligence in research. We worked on some ab work that I won't be able to do in another 6 weeks. He wanted to get some stability muscles built to help me in the coming months. We also worked on some back strengthening exercises, again preparing for the changes my body will be making. It was a fabulous workout!  I'm going to miss it once these sessions run out. Due to preparing for me to be a SAHM, I can't justify the cost after these sessions run out. I've learned a lot though, and I'll continue keeping the strength training time on my schedule. 

Today I had to take a PTO day (Paid Time Off) due to the snow storm we had this morning. When I went to take the kids to school, the roads hadn't been plowed and I could barely tell where the road was!  After being rear ended in the week before last's winter storm commute, I decided my life was more important than accounting so I wasn't going to chance the 20 mile commute. I had plan on just working from home, but my boss said I had to take a PTO day. Fair enough, if I was going to have to use one of my vacation days, you bet your bottom that I won't be doing ANY work...month end close deadlines or not!  So instead, I did laundry, had lunch with my husband (he worked from home), and took a 3 hour nap! I must say, I enjoyed my day off. :)

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