Sunday, March 2, 2014

New Focus & A Brave Stance

I mentioned last time that my focus on losing weight has taken a turn and I will now focus on maintaining. I didn't mention why the change of heart because I fear a backlash. 

You see, I just found out that we're going to have our 3rd child come October!  And I'm going to do something I didn't do with #1 & #2....I'm going to attempt to maintain my weight for the majority of the pregnancy. I know that there will be people that say that you shouldn't "diet" while pregnant. And I could use semantics and say that I'm just going to eat healthy (which is part of the plan), but I'm going further than that. I will be tracking all of the food I eat, and limiting my intake to the amount of calories needed to sustain my weight, plus the 300 calories in the last trimester needed for the baby.

Does this mean I'll be perfect?  No. And if I feel like I need to eat more, I'll add the calories in lean meats and vegetables. What I vow not to do is gain the 50-66 lbs that I did with the last two!

My goal is to only gain the 11 recommended pounds for someone who is already obese. I will be logging my food daily, I will be running until I can no longer run, and I will be getting some form of exercise at least 5-6 days a week. For now, I will keep working out with my trainer once a week and focusing on strength training. And I will do it while journaling here. 

When we decided to have another child, I wanted to prepare for a healthy pregnancy, so I went online looking for blogs where pregnant women talked about controlling their food intake and exercising while pregnant, and they are few and far between. My guess is that it's a taboo subject and they fear the backlash from the public that they are harming their baby. I fear that I will be trolled and hear the same. My saving grace is that I will be working closely with my obstetrician and monitoring the baby's growth while I do this....and my hope that this blog will help others. 

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