I'm a soccer mom! I've got the kids, the minivan, and now the obligatory soccer mom chair. This is my daughter's first year playing soccer. Last practice, I stood on the sideline with the boy and watched practice while all the other parents lined up on the sideline in their folding chairs. I figured if we're going to do this, I may as well buy the chair. Im afraid to admit this, but I've always gotten a secret pleasure out of buying sports gear. Maybe because i didn't grow up playing very many sports, and when we did, we were poor and only had minimal gear.
Today's been a pretty good day. I went to the gym on an empty stomach and have feared that would cause me to binge later. I've been super tempted, but so far have resisted. I'm still not running because of my heel, so I swam for 40 minutes (1/2 mile). It felt good to get back in the pool. It had been closed for 3 weeks while it underwent renovations.
For lunch today, I had partially homemade pizza. I used one of those pre-made crusts, and the amount of calories in it pissed me off. The worst part is I can make delicious homemade crust for 1/3 of the calories, and the pre-made tasted terrible! I bought the pre-made last week before I knew how easy it was to make homemade crust. We're trying to save money this month, so I'm forcing myself to eat it because I know my husband wouldn't touch it with a 10' pole. He used to live in Italy for 7 years before he moved to the US, so he's always hated store bought crust. Now that he knows I can make it homemade, he'd never settle for the pre-made crap again.
I did really well on my calories today, it helps that I was out of the house for the majority of the day.
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