Wednesday, September 25, 2013


I didn't get very much sleep last night. Before bedtime we noticed that the baby was very hot. I took his temperature and it was 100.9. Fevers scare me since my brother had a high one when we were kids and it triggered a seizure. He became epileptic and had seizures until he grew out of them as an adult. That experience has made me very fearful of seizures, so I gave the baby Tylenol and then monitored his fever about ever hour throughout the night.  At one point it went down to 100.3, but by morning it was 101. I gave him another dose of Tylenol and decided to take him to the doctor's when they opened. 

In the meantime, we took the girl child to school and then went back home to wait until the doctor's opened at 9. Around 8:30, the baby fell asleep and he felt a lot cooler. I decided to wait until he woke up and reassess then. He slept for 2 hours!  When he woke up, I took his temperature and it was down to 99 degrees. I decided not to take him to the doctor since he had no other symptoms and just chalked the fever up to teething. 

Since the baby hasn't been feeling well, I decided not to take him out, so I didn't go to the gym or grocery store. We stayed home all day, and I found myself eating out of boredom. And since the cupboards were basically bare, I found myself eating items that didn't satisfy the cravings I had. So I'd eat something else...and then something else...and again...and again. Until I had eaten almost a full other day's worth of calories!  It was a pretty bad binge. I was supposed to weigh in today, but I'm scared to step in the scale!

I've got to make a plan to stay out of the house tomorrow and get back on track. :-(  I'm going to go straight to the gym after dropping the girl off at school and run on the treadmill. I need to lift weights too, since I missed today's workout. I'm going to take my clothes with me and shower there, so that I don't have to go home to shower and change. I hope that will keep me out of the refrigerator. 

After the gym I'm going to grocery shop. Or maybe go the the library first. If I grocery shop first, I have to come home to out away groceries and I will probably just sit down in front of the TV. :(

Then I'll pick up the girl from school. I want to go for a run with her, since we didn't run on Tuesday. And I want to take her outside to play. I need to stay busy. I need to stay out of the fridge and pantry. 

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