Thursday, September 26, 2013

Up 2

Well, today's weigh in went as expected. I was up 2 lbs. 

At the gym today I started with cross training. I did a circuit of abs, arms, and the slide board (I really enjoy the slide!). After the circuit work, I jumped on the treadmill. I started with a 5 minute walk at 3 mph, and then a 5 minute run at 5.0 mph for a warm up. Then I did 2 minute intervals at 5.5 mph and 3 mph for about 2 miles. At one point, I increased the run from 5.5 to 6.0 for 2 minutes!  It was a good hard run. My legs are still feeling it. 

After the gym, I kept to my plan of staying out of the house for most of the day to prevent a binge. We went to the library and I noticed about 5 toddlers walking in (with their mom) at the same time. They were all going to the same place, so I followed them. We discovered story time at the library. The boy seemed to enjoy it for almost a half an hour before he started "talking" up a storm. So we left the room and I went in search of a book or movie to check out. They had Zero Dark Thirty on bluray, so I got that, and then I found a book called Citizen Girl that is by the same authors as The Nanny Diary. I hope it's just as good!

I also finally went to the grocery store and spent a fortune. I got sushi while I was there and the soy sauce has me up 5 lbs from this morning!  I'll have to drink a ton of water to wash the sodium through. Other than the sodium, I did really well with my eating. I need to come up with a plan for tomorrow, so I don't binge on all the new food in the house!  As fats as exercise, my plan has tomorrow as a rest day. I think I'll try to get in a 2 mile walk, since I technically rested on Wednesday. Then I'll have to figure something else to do with the day. 

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