Friday, September 20, 2013

Time Out

Yesterday sucked. I need a time out. 

I started off at the gym with a 2 mile run/walk, alternating between 3 mph and 5.5 mph, on a 1% incline, every quarter of a mile. I then did some leg presses and lifts, and followed it with a workout on the slide board. 

This thing is actually pretty fun, and my balance is getting better too!  My legs definitely feel like they had a workout. They're tired today. 

The rest of the day was filled with lunchroom monitoring, picking my daughter up from school, homework, cooking, cleaning, and then my daughter's school had Curriculum night from 7-9pm. Then there was bath, book, and bed for both I'm so over the hubs being sick. (As I'm sure he is too.) It really makes me value the work that he puts into our family when he's not sick. Doing it all on my own sucks!

I was absolutely exhausted all day long, and it manifested itself into over eating. I went over my calories by about 400. I should have just gone to sleep instead of eating. They were all consumed after I put the kids to bed. I had wine, cheese, and cookies. I would have been better off just sleeping. 

I woke up this morning still exhausted. I've decide not to workout this morning. Instead, I'm going to stay around the house and do some laundry. Most importantly though, I'm going to nap when the baby naps. I need to catch up on some sleep, so I can get back on track and don't over eat today. 

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